
portacandele impilabile in porcellana/stackable porcelain candle holder

Bougies gioca con la luce, sfrutta il contrasto tra superficie opaca esterna e finitura specchiante interna per scomparire al buio e diventare solo riverbero. La sua forma, studiata per contenere sia la tea candle che la candela a stelo, rende Bougies doppio come una bugia, anzi, come due.

Bougies plays with light, exploits the contrast between external matt surface and internal reflective finish for disappearing in the dark and become only reverb. Its shape, designed to contain both the tea candle that stemmed candle, makes the object Bougies double as a lie, indeed, as two.

Risogama, Arita – Japan

Designed for 
Hands On Design

Project assistant
Silvia Battisti

Product details
dimensions – ø10 x H6 cm
materials – porcellana/porcelain
colors – rame, oro e argento/copper, gold and silver